Sunday, September 12, 2010

Here I go. . . My first blog

This being my first blog and all I thought I'd drop everyone a not right up front. I will be posting some of my Deviant Art site art work here from time to time as well as some art otherwise not approved by DA here. Such as. . . the one in this blog. Let me know what you think ans ask me some questions that have been burning in the back of your heads. :) I'll do my best to answer what I can when I can.


  1. love it, not enough weird in the world.

  2. Huh, vagina mouth. Never would have thought of that.

  3. Here's a dirty question you may not've thought of:
    What dirty fandoms have inspired you on the internet? TF fandoms? BE fandoms? Did you visit the BEarchive long ago?
    I look forward to seeing you post more with teh answer to these questions 8) <3

  4. @SoreThumb
    I did visit BEarchive when it first went up. Way back in the day. Then it was just finding other artists works and odd fetishes from there. The list is huge.
